Site icon Elicia Michaud

A Call for Steiner Ranch Bands & Musicians

Got this from Donny:

Steiner Ranch HOA is currently looking for bands and musicians from within the community who are interested in performing at a fun music event later this summer.  This will be our own little SXSW or Austin City Limits festival, featuring the talent of Steiner Ranch residents.  We have scheduled a date of Saturday Sept. 26th for our first annual “Steiner-Palooza”, which we will be staging at the Bella Mar community center.  This will be a family-friendly event where residents can kick back by the pool, and enjoy live music performed by our local community talents.  Musicians should be residents of Steiner Ranch, (at least one member, for bands), and capable of performing anywhere from 20-40 mins of material in front of an audience.  All styles of music are welcome.  To reserve a spot on the bill, please contact Donny Payjack by e-mail at devildog66(insert “at” sign”)

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