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Breaking News: House caught on fire and burned down in Steiner Ranch

Links here and here.

Update: It was only one house that was burned down. Changed the title.

Seems to be in Grimes Ranch. Cut and Paste below. Glad that no one was hurt. Not sure if its a good idea to turn on the sprinkler system to wet the grass, it will be cold tonight but not below freezing. Will check tomorrow.

A house in Steiner Ranch was badly damaged by fire Tuesday afternoon.

Hudson Bend and Austin F.D. firefighters raced to the 3400 block of Cowden Drive in the Grimes Ranch Estates in Steiner Ranch off RM 620 just after 3 p.m.

Crews had to fight the fire defensively, and flames were still burning more than an hour after the initial call.

The flames had been snuffed out before 5:30 p.m.

Fire officials say the fire started behind the house and wind fanned the flames toward the house.

No one was home, and no surrounding homes were damaged.

Update: Link to some pictures of the fire. Thanks to Pete for the pictures.

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