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What is wrong with these people?

Some links as backstory: First Second Last night the wife and the kiddo went downtown and we stopped by the food trailer area on South Congress and saw the original Hey Cupcake and Hudson's on the Bend's version of trailer food The Mighty Con...

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Delicato Closed

A couple of people sent me the information that Delicato closed. I guess business was not doing well. I guess they had some early start-up glitches that they could not overcome.

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Proper window treatments

Is this summer heat bothering you and your furniture? Is your electric bill skyrocketing through the roof? It’s that time of the year to seriously think about getting the proper window treatments to keep out the harmful sun and heat. The p...

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Male Boston terrier hit at Quinlan

Update: Dog is with owner and OK! Male boston terrier, hit around 9 pm at steiner ranch and quinnlan. No tags. Very exhausted, overheated, very sweet. Hopefully no serious injuries, very scared. Taken to the vet at 183 and burnet right now. Pl...

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AT&T U-Verse Van in Rio Mesa

I have seen it four or five times now always in the same spot near the entrance at Country Trails and Quinlan Park. I know U-Verse is in Bella Mar and the newer parts of Steiner, is Rio Mesa next?

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Steiner Summer Concert in the Park – August 22nd

Mark your calenders now... On Saturday, August 22nd local businesses and organizations will host the 2nd annual Steiner Summer Concert in the Park. The event will be held at Towne Square from 5:30 to 9 and feature the band Lost in Austin. The...

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Steiner Steakhouse Review from

Link here. I still have not been, yet... when we do go out we go by ourselves to Hudson's or someplace more infant friendly. What do people think after more than half a year of the steakhouse being in business?

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Stranger Danger

Update: Check the comments... it was kind of a false alarm, but still tell your kids to be wary of strangers. Got this post from an email: I am a Girl Scout Leader, a mother to 3 children, a substitute teacher and volunteer with LWBE, and a fr...

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Use of Steiner Ranch Facilities Petition

Petition link here: Can you imagine our community without some of the groups that make it so desirable?  For example,  what would Steiner Ranch be like if there were no soccer or football teams...

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Travis County Master Gardeners Association Events

Got this from Bonnie Martin the Education Co-Chair of the Travis County Master Gardeners Association Rainwater Harvesting for Your Garden Saturday, June 13, 2009 10am-Noon Riverplace Country Club 4207 River Place Blvd Austin TX 78730 Come enj...

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Ranch Record Changing publishers

Got this from Kelly Peel. The Steiner Ranch HOA, in Austin Texas has chosen Peel, Incorporated to produce their monthly newsletter the Ranch Record. Since 2006 Peel, Inc. has published The Star, a newsletter for the Steiner Ranch community...

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Your Pets and Heat Exhaustion

This came to me from a fellow Steiner Rancher... I'm glad she mentioned this because it's very important!! It is getting to be that time of year where the extreme heats sets in and the Texas summer is in full swing. Please, please, please be ...

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A Call for Steiner Ranch Bands & Musicians

Got this from Donny: Steiner Ranch HOA is currently looking for bands and musicians from within the community who are interested in performing at a fun music event later this summer.  This will be our own little SXSW or Austin City Limits fest...

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Elicia Michaud

Elicia Michaud

Broker Associate CLHMS, CNE, SRS, ABR, CRS, e-Pro, PSA