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Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman

Steiner Ranch resident Eric Bricker directed and produced this movie. The preceding link will tell you more about it. Go out and support one of Steiner's own filmmakers. It is also narrated by Dustin Hoffman. It is screening on October 16th ...

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Political Signs and a rant…

You technically can not have signs in your yard according to the HOA rules except for the purposes of selling your house. However there is a state rule that overrides it that says 30 days before and 10 days after an election that political sign...

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Fion’s new Restaurant details

Culled from the comments: (thanks one of the two Steiner Res') Steiner Res // Sep 17, 2008 at 6:37 am I spoke with the guys at Fion last night and got th skinny! so here it is… First off they are planning on having live music friday and sa...

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Interesting Article and Update

Saw this article a while back in the Statesman. Some key parts below: It wasn't impressive. Two small roads intersected at a 7-Eleven store surrounded by underbrush. But it had potential. The government was planning to expand RM 620 and RM 222...

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Life for Manish – Drive

UPDATE: Putting on the front page. Got this from Tom... I just sent an email to them. Save a life now!  Call Laurence Gantala, your neighbor at Steiner Ranch  at 512-964-4597 or email us a to RSVP and register for a...

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Coyotes in Steiner Ranch

According to this article: Coyotes Create Problems for Residents in Steiner Ranch CBS 42 Reporter: Julie Simon Email: Some furry critters are making themselves at home in the Steiner Ranch area and neighbors say the animals...

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Thai Harmony Review

I went there twice this past week. Me and my wife went on Thursday and were immediately told when we walked in that it might be 30 minutes before we get our food. We sat down, because we had no food at home anyway. I ordered basil chicken fried...

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Steiner Ranch Real Estate Information

My wife has started her own blog about real estate information, trends and the like. I made another blog at for this purpose. Check it out and hope you like it as it progresses.

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100,000 Pages Viewed…

Little bit of a milestone reached that I thought would never happen. I started this blog about one and a half years ago as a way for people to know what business are in the community and picked a very unoriginal name of Steiner Ranch Informatio...

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High Pointe Village – September Update

Pretty good update from Hill Country News about High Pointe Village. Interesting stuff is bolded. They have been trying to sign a movie theater for a while now... and it is still not confirmed. Brake Check??? Seriously? We have Lambs Tire and A...

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Steiner Ranch Social Networking

The big buzzword (even at work) is social networking and some people might wonder if we have it in Steiner Ranch. We actually have two ways. One is through Facebook. I created a group there. The other way is a website that will houses multiple ...

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Longhorn Village

A couple of people have wondered what others in the community think about Longhorn Village. I saw the construction the other day and was surprised at how fast it is progressing. Here are a couple of articles to kick off ideas. Longhorn Village ...

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Wag A Bag gas…

Got this info from Steve. Did anyone have similar experiences? I am a resident of Steiner Ranch and have lived there for just about 2 years.  Yesterday something happened to my wife’s car and I wanted to get the word out.  Yesterday 8/25/08...

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Elicia Michaud

Elicia Michaud

Broker Associate CLHMS, CNE, SRS, ABR, CRS, e-Pro, PSA