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Little bit of a milestone reached that I thought would never happen. I started this blog about one and a half years ago as a way for people to know what business are in the community and picked a very unoriginal name of Steiner Ranch Informatio...

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High Pointe Village – September Update

Pretty good update from Hill Country News about High Pointe Village. Interesting stuff is bolded. They have been trying to sign a movie theater for a while now... and it is still not confirmed. Brake Check??? Seriously? We have Lambs Tire and A...

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Steiner Ranch Social Networking

The big buzzword (even at work) is social networking and some people might wonder if we have it in Steiner Ranch. We actually have two ways. One is through Facebook. I created a group there. The other way is a website that will houses multiple ...

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Longhorn Village

A couple of people have wondered what others in the community think about Longhorn Village. I saw the construction the other day and was surprised at how fast it is progressing. Here are a couple of articles to kick off ideas. Longhorn Village ...

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Wag A Bag gas…

Got this info from Steve. Did anyone have similar experiences? I am a resident of Steiner Ranch and have lived there for just about 2 years.  Yesterday something happened to my wife’s car and I wanted to get the word out.  Yesterday 8/25/08...

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Thai Harmony coming September 15th

We got about another three or four weeks. CK Viranam who is the executive chef at Thai Passion is opening this restaurant according to Hill Country News. Interesting items in the article are focus on "good food and good service" and that some o...

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Water, Water, Water…

Read this article on the statesman about water usage. The average monthly usage is 8500 gallons. I checked my bills and I am around 6800 gallons per month... with a huge peak during the summer months. What is your usage? Are you much over the m...

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Steiner Cares Clothing Drive Update

I got an update from Steiner Cares. We are very happy to announce that the Second Annual Steiner Cares Back-to-School Clothing Drive was a huge success! Over 3,300 clothing items were donated and distributed to the Leander Clothes Closet, the A...

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Forum Roundup – Mid August

From time to time I will highlight some of the forum posts on the main blog. Here we go. 1. Need a personal assistant? Get in touch with Anna. 2. Want to join a carpool going downtown? Look at this post. They are going to 8th and San Jacinto....

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Looking for a Refrigerator

I am looking for a refrigerator. Nothing special just something we can use in our garage. Side by side. Looking to pay 200 bucks or so. I have been looking for the past week online and have had no luck, so resorting to posting it on the main pa...

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New rash of Car Burglaries

From this link. There has been an increase in the number of night time burglaries of vehicles in the Steiner Ranch area. The majority of them have been unlocked vehicles parked outside and have had items in plain view stolen, such as Ipods and ...

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Negativity, whiners, criticism…

I read a lot of comments in the comments section about how this blog is negative and is full of whiners and does not offer any constructive criticism. I disagree. I think there are certain anonymous people that put up a comment and say somethin...

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Back to three…

Last summer word came out that the Steiner Ranch Elementary went from an exemplary rating to a Recognized rating. We went down from three out of three schools in Steiner Ranch with the higest ratings to two. Well good news. I guess kids got mu...

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Elicia Michaud

Elicia Michaud

Broker Associate CLHMS, CNE, SRS, ABR, CRS, e-Pro, PSA