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Apartments coming to Ribelin Ranch

Ribelin Ranch is going to be completely different in a year, people will actually be living there and soon after going to school there. That is the site of a new high school where presumably kids from Steiner Ranch, Riverplace, and Grandview Hi...

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Submit Articles to the Steiner Ranch Star

I added a couple of links on the right. One is a link to the Steiner Ranch Star and also a link to submit an article to the newsletter. I am trying to keep the link section up to date and changing. Another thing I added under the Archives on t...

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Donation Opportunity

Got this info from one of our readers. This sounds like a good opportunity to help out. Dress for Success - Austin Women's Suit Drive Jump-start your spring organizing while giving a disadvantaged woman the confidence to take the first step to...

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Kids info: Tumble/Gymnastics

Got this email from Maria a Steiner Resident. I am a Steiner resident, and my 4-year old daughter recently started attending a tumble/gymnastics class at My Time Kids on 620 out towards Lakeway. They have classes for babies through age 5, walk...

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The Venue at Lake Travis is moved/postponed

Thanks to bshelton in the comments section about High Pointe Village for these two links. From reading the articles it seems like The Venue at Lake Travis will still happen, but in an alternate place. I don't see why they can not do it accross ...

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Subscribe to the Site

If you want to get an email if a post is made in a certain day to this blog, you are in luck. Just to the right of this post under the Contact and Search information is a subscribe box powered by Feedburner. It won't spam you or anything like t...

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High Pointe Village February Update

Got an update on some possible business' opening in High Pointe Village. First and most important is a movie theater which is coming to look at and approve the site. I really hope and wish it is something like an Alamo Drafthouse. I know peopl...

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Two small updates

First is related to the sign I see when I drive home at the first corner of Quinlan and Steiner Ranch Blvd kitty corner from Steiner Ranch Elementary. It is a sign for a new "mixed use" development with office, medical, professional, and retai...

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Networking Organization in Steiner Ranch

I got an email from Elicia, the person who started this networking organization in Steiner Ranch. This organization is worldwide and Elicia started a chapter in Steiner Ranch. She can explain better what this organization is about. Read below. ...

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Steiner Ranch Winter Pool Usage Denial

I got some emails from some readers about the fact that the Steiner Ranch Master Association denied the request (link here) to allow the Aquatics Swim Team to have exclusive use of the Bella Mar Lap Pool during the winter months if they paid fo...

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Shops at Steiner Ranch – More tenants getting set

There are a couple of updates on the Shops at Steiner Ranch. Some of these are rumors and some of them like the Montessori school is confirmed. The first one where the cat is already kind of out of the bag in the comments section of the School...

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The road formerly known as Steiner Ranch Blvd

I got a few emails and had a dinner conversation on how terrible the road that leads from the secondary entrance of Steiner Ranch from 620 to Quinlan Park Road on Steiner Ranch Blvd. I was surprised to see that other people were so annoyed with...

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Elicia Michaud

Elicia Michaud

Broker Associate CLHMS, CNE, SRS, ABR, CRS, e-Pro, PSA