Wow... we were driving to a late lunch and saw the fire. We tried to take some pictures, but I could not get inside and take better ones. There is some coverage on the Statesman website. It seems like from reading other accounts that it started...
Not really. Hopefully it is just a few small occurrences that happened, and we need to be more vigilant.
First I presume you have seen this notice from the Steiner Ranch website and email list.
Vandalism in Steiner Ranch
The Travis County Sh...
is the most important meal of the day. I usually wake up a grab a bowl of cereal while watching SportsCenter or listening to the Bobby Bones Show and then head on out to work. But on some weekends me and my wife like to head out to eat breakfas...
There is a new/old development called Ribelin Ranch. (small aside is it Ribe-lin or Rib-e-lin). It is new because it just started getting some construction on the land. It is old because everyone in Austin knows that its the land you see driv...
Ok, Most of the time I post about Steiner Ranch, but this one is not about Steiner.
Me and my wife have been loyal Sprint customers for 6 years now and we always get the free phones that they offer and some crappy plan with no web, text messag...
Quick Update on High Pointe Village. Emailed the developers and the start date is moved back to Spring 2008 with an opening date of the end of 2008/beginning of 2009.
I guess the first question I have before I dive into this post is: Where is River Dance in Steiner Ranch? I looked at the map of Steiner Ranch and could not find it. I am guessing it is somewhere in Belcara. The reason I am asking is that Leand...
I ponied up and bought a new domain and got some web hosting space and have a new place to call home at
Check out the new site... all the same content/comments, better format so that I can do some new cool thin...
In a recent Statesman article, Ben Wear drove from near Rick Perry's home in Barton Creek Estates to the State Capitol at 12th and Congress. He said it took him 31 minutes to go 11.2 miles. I have a 20 mile commute from my house to just south o...
I got a request from a reader about any good people for Christmas Light Decorators besides those signs you see on 620 and 2222. If there are any recommendations for this type of service please post a comment. If there are any other tips or tric...
Cups and Cones is open. I checked it out real quick today. I like the layout a lot. The layout of the store is an inverted L shape. You walk into the middle of the top of the inverted 'L'. On the immediate left is a flat screen tv and a tape pl...
The title says it all. In case you don't know the history, there is going to be a steakhouse with views of Lake Travis closer to the secondary Steiner Ranch entrance. From what I read somewhere, construction is starting now and expected to fini...
Found this article about Lakeline Station/Crossings? at the northeast corner of 183 and 620. It is a TOD (transit-oriented development) that will go along the future Cap Metro commuter rail line.Here is a much better article that explains it.Se...