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Central Texas Water Coalition

I’m sure you’ve noticed the “sometimes islands” are becoming the “always islands.”  Lake Travis is low and we’re just not getting the rain needed to bring it back.  Cutting off the flow to the rice farmers for the first time this year was huge. But now they are mobilizing their attorneys and we need to fight back.  Here is some information I’ve been emailed from several people:

The lack of water in our lakes is affecting property values, the tax base that funds our children’s education, our livelihood and last but not least our way of life. I’m not just talking about recreation… there is a very good chance that Central Texas can run out of drinking water in the not too distant future. Look at your water bill. Did you know the rice farmers in south Texas pay less that 5% of what you pay for your water?

Below is the link to the Central Texas Water Coalition. You can join and make a donation.   The Resolution Requesting an Emergency Drought Order for 2013 is there and you can submit it online.

Let’s all share ideas and keep the momentum going. Spread the word. We can make a difference.


Check out the video…


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