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Fundraising garage sale at LWBE on APRIL 18TH to benefit a local family in need

Bumped from the forums:

A local family’s 11 yr old son, who attends Laura Welch Bush Elementary, is in critical condition after experiencing multiple epileptic seizures and a rare allergic reaction to the medication. As a community we are coming together to help this family with their extensive medical bills.

On the same day as the Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Garage Sale, April 18th, we will be holding a fundraising garage sale & bake sale on the grounds of Laura Welch Bush Elementary School. We need sellers and donations of items to be sold! If you were going to have your own garage sale why not have it at LWBE (Please be at the school for set up by 7:15am. Tables will be provided!) and donate the money to this family in need, whose son is not out of the woods yet. Or – if you have things to sell but can’t attend the garage sale yourself don’t worry – we’ll sell them for you (as long as they can be easily transported from our house to the school – i.e. No large items of furniture/appliances please). All you have to do is drop the items off at: 12724 Appaloosa Chase Drive, Austin 78732, (located in the Towne Hollow subdivision of Steiner Ranch)

If you wish to make a financial donation then there will be a cash box for the family in the office at Laura Welch Bush Elementary. LETS COME TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY AND HELP A FAMILY CLOSE TO US THAT IS IN NEED RIGHT NOW, while at the same time clearing a little space in your house of those outgrown clothes or toys that are no longer in use!

Feel free to contact Tamara Crooks,, with any questions you may have.

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