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Hill Country Education Foundation Launches Membership Drive

Hill Country Education Foundation Launches Membership Drive

AUSTIN, TX – December 14, 2010 – Today the Hill Country Education Foundation launched a six-
month membership drive to recruit families, individuals, students and faculty to their organization.
Members of HCEF will help to support Four Points-area students achieve academic success in the
areas of entrepreneurship, leadership, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Specifically, memberships will help the Foundation reach their goal of providing:

Grants to teachers, administrative and parent organizations that focus leadership, entrepreneurship
and STEM education.
Teacher development/training grants to support new or established curricula
Enrichments programs, such as FIRST® LEGO® League Robotics Clubs
Scholarships to Vandegrift High School students pursuing careers in science, technology,
engineering or mathematics (starting in 2012)
A community children’s library in the Four Points community
College Insider, a college-readiness program for parents and students

Annual membership levels range from $100 for families and $50 for individuals to $15 for students and
$1 for faculty. To learn more about membership benefits and to pay online, interested parties can go to

About Hill Country Education Foundation
A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Hill Country Education Foundation enhances the educational
experience of students living in the Four Points community of Austin, Texas. HCEF achieves this
enhancement through the development and financing of innovative, quality programs and projects for
students attending or preparing to attend Vandegrift High School, specifically in the areas of leadership,
entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

HCEF’s vision is based on the belief that an exceptional education is essential both to the well being of
individual students and to the civic health of a community. HCEF brings educators and citizens together
to excel this educational experience by providing schools the additional tools needed to teach and
engage children and by expanding the horizons of knowledge within the community through special
programs and projects. HCEF endeavors to empower tomorrow’s leaders while strengthening the
community as a whole, now and into the future, in Austin and beyond.

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