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Hill Country Education Foundation wants to get a Four Points Community Library

Four Points Community Library Flagship Project of New Hill Country Education Foundation

(AUSTIN, TX) Today the Hill Country Education Foundation announced its formation and launched its inaugural giving campaign.  Recognizing the vital need for private funding to enhance the educational experience of students living in the Four Points community of Austin, Texas, community leaders founded the Hill Country Education Foundation (HCEF) in 2009. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, HCEF achieves this enhancement through the development and financing of innovative, quality programs and projects for students in the Four Points area, like its flagship project of establishing a community library.

Hill Country Education Foundation’s goal is to assist in developing a superior educational experience for students in the Four Points community, accomplished through financial support from individuals and businesses living and working in the area.  HCEF distributes these monies in the form of grants and community programs that are focused in the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

One of Hill Country Education Foundation’s initial flagship projects is launching and maintaining a Four Points community library.  Area residents currently drive over 20 minutes to the nearest library.  The library will serve River Place, Steiner Ranch, Westminster Glen, Grandview Hills and nearby neighborhoods on Lake Travis.  Additional community programs include a college preparedness program, student scholarships and internships.

“What better way to fuel the passion for learning than with a community library, “said

Kai Lamb, president of Hill Country Education Foundation. “While our community offers so much, the need for the library is apparent to everyone.  I’m thrilled that the Hill Country Education Foundation is able to spearhead such a vital project for the area. “

Hill Country Education Foundation sponsored the initial First League Lego Robotics program at River Place Elementary.  “Thanks to the generous support of HCEF all four River Place Robotics teams competed at the Regional competition; one team came in 13th out of 57 teams present.  As rookie teams we were thrilled with this high achievement,” commented Becky Carter, parent leader.

Community and corporate sponsorship giving campaign begins this month.

An exceptional education is essential both to the well-being of individual students and to the civic health of our community. Hill Country Education Foundation brings educators and citizens together to excel this educational experience by providing our schools the additional tools needed to teach and engage our children and by expanding the horizons of knowledge within the community through special programs and projects. HCEF endeavors to empower tomorrow’s leaders while strengthening the community as a whole, now and into the future, in Austin and beyond. For more information about HCEF, visit

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