So I’ve been asked to introduce myself to the blog before posting, so here we go 🙂 I’ve lived in Steiner Ranch for about a year and a half now so I guess you can consider me a newbie…I think most of us are. I’ve lived in Steiner Ranch as long as I’ve lived in Austin and I can honestly say when people ask me where I’m from, I blurt out Austin. Obviously not based on length of time, Austin is the first place I’ve lived that when I go on vacation, I miss home. I have not run into a single person here in Steiner that has not said, “We moved from such-n-such and we just LOVE it here.”
So with that said, I’m a the mother of four children ages 4, 7, 8 and 11. Wow, so I guess I’m done with the introductions…enough said right? Okay, seriously, yes we have four children. We own an insurance agency that specializes in health and life and I also have my own pet sitting business. That’s where I come in as a new blogger for the Steiner Ranch forums. Mahesh has graciously asked me to post anything and everything that concerns Steiner’s furry kids. Since most of Austin is obsessed with their pets, this is a great opportunity for me to centralize everything the animal lovers out here need to keep their pets happy and healthy and involved in the community. In conclusion, I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to positively impact the lives of all the pet owners out here in Steiner Ranch.
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Elicia Michaud
Broker Associate