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More Randalls info

Got this from the Jody Zemel, someone in planning for the City of Austin.

Thank you for your interest in this case and for all the comments that have been sent to the Case Manager on this project.

The land owner has applied for an Administrative Site Plan to develop a Randall’s at this location. That application is being reviewed by City staff for compliance with relevant City codes, ordinances, and regulations.  The City of Austin’s review of this site plan application is not subjective.  There are several reviewers who will be reviewing this application for regulatory compliance with relevant City ordinances, rules, and laws concerning development law. The City’s review for this location relates only to specific infrastructure/development requirements (transportation, environmental, water quality, and drainage).

For administrative site plans, there is no vote or public hearing available—the landowner must comply with all the development laws.

Administrative Site Plans do not go to a public hearing at Planning Commission for a vote, unless there is a specific zoning issue involved.

Because this site is located in the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), there is no zoning at the site to review, and it is simply an administrative application.  Without zoning, there are no City of Austin land use regulations at all for this site.  Once the applicant shows compliance on their plan with all City requirements listed above, The City of Austin is required to approve the permit.

The City of Austin’s review on this site plan is due by June 14, and at that time, the case manager, Donna Galati, will compile all reviewers’ rejection comments into a Master Report, and send that to the applicant and any registered Interested Parties. Interested Parties will receive copies of the Master Report, and notification of administrative action on the case.

After the applicant receives the Master Report, they have the opportunity to change the plans according to the reviewers’ rejection comments.  The applicant can then submit an update, and city staff has 2 weeks to review, and another master report showing which comments are cleared and which remain is sent out to the applicant and Interested Parties.  This process of update and review continues until either all comments are cleared and the permit is issued or the application expires.

If you live or own property within 500 feet of the property, you can be a registered Interested Party. You will need to contact the case manager, Donna Galati, if you wish to be listed as an Interested Party.

The applicant’s name and contact information is available on the notice, if you wish to contact the landowner.

If you wish to view the information that the City of Austin has on this case online, please go to and enter SP-2010-0102D under Search By Case Number or Old PIER Permit Number, then hit Submit.

You may also want to contact Safeway, who is the corporate owner of Randall’s stores in Texas.

The Safeway Texas Division office is located in Houston and supports three major markets. In Austin and Houston, Safeway operates Randall’s stores.

Below is the contact information I found on the on Business Wire for the press release that is linked to your blog.

Public Relations – Connie Yates, 214-355-7315

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