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Ranch Record Changing publishers

Got this from Kelly Peel.

The Steiner Ranch HOA, in Austin Texas has chosen Peel, Incorporated to produce their monthly newsletter the Ranch Record.

Since 2006 Peel, Inc. has published The Star, a newsletter for the Steiner Ranch community, while the HOA has produced the Ranch Record through another publisher. The Steiner Ranch HOA and Peel, Inc. have decided to combine their efforts and provide one single newsletter for the community.

Peel, Inc. will take over publication of the Ranch Record, the official newsletter for the Steiner Ranch HOA, effective with the July 2009 issue.

All pre-paid advertising contracts with Peel, Inc. will carry over from The Star into the Ranch Record.

For advertising information please call 1-888-687-6444 or visit

The deadline to reserve ad space for the July issue will be June 10th.

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