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School in the Hills Blood Drive – March 5th

School in the Hills Blood Drive

Date: Friday, March 5

Time: 9:00am-11:00am

Sign up online:

Sponsor Code: schoolinthehills

Location: Parking Lot on the side of the building

Contact: Martha Wantanabe, (512) 983-0456,
Please eat prior to donation; Photo ID required

The Blood Center of Central Texas is joining several other blood centers in using a new blood bag for whole blood collection. These new collection bags are slightly larger than what is currently used and will require a small increase (approximately 3 tablespoons) in the amount of blood collected from whole blood donors. Due to this small increase, The Blood Center will require all whole blood donors to weigh a minimum of 123 lbs beginning January 12, 2010.

If you have any additional questions please contact us at either 512-206-1108 or

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