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Steiner Cares Clothing Drive Update

I got an update from Steiner Cares.

We are very happy to announce that the Second Annual Steiner Cares Back-to-School Clothing Drive was a huge success! Over 3,300 clothing items were donated and distributed to the Leander Clothes Closet, the Austin Children’s Shelter, the Salvation Army’s Downtown Shelter for the homeless, and to the Austin Chapter for Dress for Success. Even more amazing than the large quantity of clothing was the high quality of the donations. The residents of Steiner Ranch truly came through for many, many kiddos throughout the Austin area.

A special appreciation to:

Gene Arant/Keller Williams Realty
The Mobile Loaves & Fishes crew from Lake Hills Church
Lakeside Pizza and Grill

Without the volunteers, this project would not have been possible.

Dozens of folks worked very diligently throughout the afternoon’s triple-digit heat to sort the clothing as the donations came in.

These volunteers included the following folks*:

Julie Sabuda
Nancy LaBarbiera
Greg & Lynne Stamps
Jason Collins
David Guthrie
Tom Henry
Jennifer Mitchell
George & Liliane Vaught
Chris & Jenny Mashburn
Jimmy Smith & Family

Also, the following Mother/Daughter teams from several area Brownie and

Girl Scout troops:

Tina and Sarah – Brownie Troop # 403
Tamara and Saige – Brownie Troop # 403
Kristine – Brownie Troop # 1771
Debbie and Brianna — Girl Scout Troop #1762

*Apologies to the folks that we have surely missed.

A special recognition goes out to the Steiner-area children who worked side-by-side with the adult volunteers all afternoon.

Thanks again to everyone for helping many, many less-fortunate children throughout the Austin area to start the school year with some awesome clothes to wear.

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