Site icon Elicia Michaud

Steiner Ranch Forums/Message board

I have been puttering around with this idea for a while, and I have had some time to finally install it. I have used this software before and it is pretty good. I have been getting a lot of questions about things in Steiner Ranch and most of the time I just put it on the main page and see what the responses are. This eliminates the middleman (me) and lets residents post a question on the message boards and see what responses they get right away, instead of sometimes waiting a month while a certain person goes on vacation and doesn’t make any posts. I hope this creates more discussion on the forums, because I think there are many people that can answer the questions that residents have.

I know a lot of people don’t like providing email addresses and registering but the process is extremely simple and it provides some civility to the forums. All you have to do is click the register link at the top of the page and provide a username and email address. The email address is used only to send you a password to log in. I have created some sub forums. There is one for general topics, food, classified ads, businesses, and kids. Check out the above or below link and tell me what you think. I am not going to get rid of the comments as I feel its a good way to get quick communication on a topic, but I am going to monitor them more closely and start deleting some comments I don’t think should be up on the website. Tell me if there are any issues or if you need help using the forum.

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