The Steiner Ranch HOA recently went under new management and they changed the structure of fees associated with selling a home in Steiner Ranch. These are all addressed in the HOA addendum of the purchase contract. Please note that these fees are accurate today (3/12/19) and that I will update as I learn of changes, but info should be verified.
- The HOA charges $285 to generate the documents that need to be given to the buyer, including the resale certificate. The HOA requires $35 upfront and charges $250 at closing. These are negotiable per paragraph E of the contract but are typically a seller expense.
- When you purchase a home in Steiner you pay a one time deposit into the neighborhood reserves. This used to be one payment of $600 but they have now broken it up into two separate line items – $420 for working capital fund and $180 for initial assessment. These are a buyer expense per paragraph D of the HOA addemdum.
- There is a $250 transfer fee which is negotiable per Paragraph C of the addendum. It is frequently split by buyer and seller.
- Some sections of Steiner Ranch (i.e. Lakeview, the UT Club, etc…) are under an additional HOA and will have additional fees.