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Steiner Ranch Winter Pool Usage Denial

I got some emails from some readers about the fact that the Steiner Ranch Master Association denied the request (link here) to allow the Aquatics Swim Team to have exclusive use of the Bella Mar Lap Pool during the winter months if they paid for heating the pool and related expenses. Supposedly the board balked at the last minute and asked for resident feedback at the last minute. I remember this because the email was sent out Thursday and a response was required pretty quickly. The wording of the survey was not very clear and some residents misunderstood that the regular Bella Mar Pool would be closed also, when in fact it was just the lap pool.

My take on it is this. The lap pool is basically unusable during the winter months anyway, and even if you want to use it you can do so during the specified times and it would be heated. There are still three more pools in Steiner Ranch that residents can use if need be. So I don’t see the big harm in it, unless you really only want to swim in the lap pool during these times. I like the lap pool, but if its cold I don’t go in. If you feel the same way check out this petition. If you don’t agree post a comment below so we can get a feel of other people’s opinions.

On an unrelated note check out my Technorati Profile.

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