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Steiner Ranch Winter Pool Usage Survey

I got this emailed to me a couple of times over the weekend. It seems strange that the survey is closing tomorrow/Monday.

Click on this link to take the survey. I don’t use the pools in the morning and never during the winter, but if you do then get your voice heard. This seems like a reasonable request.

The Steiner Ranch community now has three community centers with swimming pools for our residents’ use, including two lap pools at John Simpson and Bella Mar community centers. The Steiner Stars summer swim team has grown in recent years and now has over 250 members on the team. At this time, approximately 100 of these members also participate in year-round swimming programs using heated swimming pools in other communities in or near Cedar Park. Currently, none of the Steiner Ranch swimming pools are heated and due to the high cost of natural gas and additional maintenance costs, the SRMA Board does not plan to provide heaters for any of its swimming pools.

The SRMA Board has been approached by several swim team groups that would like to use the Bella Mar community center lap pool for their practices during the cold winter months. One group has made a specific proposal that is currently under consideration by the Board. The Board is requesting input from Steiner Ranch residents as we consider and make a decision in the near future on this proposal. Your input will help the Board make a decision, but is non-binding on the Board.

A summary of the proposal from this private swim team Group is as follows: The Group will pay for all costs associated with purchasing and installing a heater for the Bella Mar lap pool, removable pool lane covers that help retain the heat, and will be responsible for all heating costs and all additional pool maintenance costs during the winter months when there is normally very little use of the pools. In return, the Group will get exclusive access and use of the lap pool from October 1st through April 30th each year. During these 7 months, the lap pool will remain covered and the Bella Mar community center pools will be closed, except for the approximately 3 hours per day (estimated to be 4pm to 7pm, Monday – Friday) each week that the swim team will practice. During the times that the swim team is practicing, the Group will make available 2 of the 8 swim lanes in the heated pool for all Steiner Ranch residents’ use. As in the past, the John Simpson and Towne Square community center pools remain open year round for Steiner Ranch residents’ use.

Please use the link below to complete a short survey to indicate if you agree – “Yes” – that the Board should approve this agreement that will provide limited access to a heated lap swimming pool for Steiner Ranch residents, or “No” if you feel that the Board should not approve an agreement that limits or restricts resident access to the Bella Mar community center pool from October through April each year.

Click here to take the survey.

Responses will only be collected until January 14th, so please take the survey today!

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