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Your Pets and Heat Exhaustion

This came to me from a fellow Steiner Rancher… I’m glad she mentioned this because it’s very important!!

It is getting to be that time of year where the extreme heats sets in and the Texas summer is in full swing. Please, please, please be *very* conscious about the time of day you are walking your dog and the common signs for heat related illnesses in animals. We all love our pooches and want to give them the exercise they need but it is just simply too hot during most normal hours (9am – 7pm) during the months of June – September. I see many dogs on Quinlan Park showing many of the common signs of heat exhaustion. Just because your beloved pet survived the recent run or walk does not mean they will again. We have outstanding trails which are much cooler not to mention access to a beautiful and quite refreshing lake. Please think about these options as your consider how you will exercise your pet for the day. Here are some helpful links that outline common warning signs:



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